Monday, May 24, 2010

My Little Man

Well my first born celebrated his 10th birthday this long weekend. Hard to believe 10years ago I was holding my first born. Worrying about how the heck I was going to take care of this little person and worrying that I would never sleep again I hold this great big tall 10 year old and I still worry...but about very different things. Will he grow up to be all the things a mother hopes for..caring, compassionate, hard working, successful....Well so far so good, I am so very proud of Connor and all his special traits and talents...his love of reading (usually up till midnight because he can't put down the new book he started)...his love for technology (I can never understand what he is talking about-thank god for his dad)...his silly silly personality...his serious shy side(this I love)...his brainy side (pretty smart little dude )...his love of a great 'debate' he truly loves his little brother and sister (he watches out for them even though he doesn't want to admit it)
I Love You Connor
Happy 10th Birthday
Love MoM

New Beginnigs

Well..this is my first attempt at blogging. My motivation is to preserve our family experiences in time. It seems like time wisps away before I can really soak it all in and enjoy. I hope that these blogs will allow my husband my boys and my princess to go back in time and relive these memories again and again.
